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Tuesday, January 11, 2005

MWSF Keynote - Steve Jobs (LIVE!)

Steve Jobs takes the stage, noting HP's projection system.

The London retail store is featured.

The iMac is Apple's best selling computer, also earning praises from tech journalists.

Panther is on schedule to ship in first half of 2005.

Spotlight search is featured and demo'd; integrates with Finder (smart folders) and System Preferences.

Mail upgrade to include Spotlight integration, slideshow, smart mailboxes, and iPhoto.

QuickTime 7 (H.264 protocol), scalable from cell phones to HD. Demo'd with "House of Flying Daggers."

Dashboard widgets demo'd. Weather, stocks, flight tracker, translation, dictionary, ... (Possibilities are endless!)

iChat demo'd with Danika, Phil, and Scott. Uses H.264 compression.

"The year of high definition." Introduces Final Cut Express HD for $299, available in February.

iLife '05 - iPhoto, iMovie, iDVD, GarageBand, and iTunes.

iPhoto upgrade: better organizing & searching, supports MPEG4 and RAW, powerful editing, advanced slideshow, new books & book designs (hardcover, softcover, album, pocketbook).

iMovie upgrade: faster, non-destructive trimming, more transitions/effects, MPEG4 video, Magic iMovie, HD support.

Sony prosumer HDV FX1 videocamera for $3499. Introduces President of SONY, Mr. Kunitake Ando. Reiteration of Sony and Apple close relationship.

iDVD upgrade: 15 new themes, animated drop zones, OneStep DVD creation, supports all formats (-R, +R, -RW, +RW).

GarageBand upgrade: new Jam Pack (orchestral instruments), up to 8 track recording, real-time music notation, pitch & timing fixing, create own loops, vocal transformer, recorded tracks now more flexible. John Mayer joins the presentation.

iLife '05 at $79, on Jan. 27. Free on new Macs.

New product: iWork, successor to AppleWorks. Contains Keynote 2 & Pages. Jobs uses Keynote 2 during the presentation. Pages has 20 Apple-designed templates and all the advanced word processing features. Phil Schiller does the Pages demo.

Mac mini is announced! (The rumors are TRUE!) The size of a small box. Comes with Panther and iLife 05, low end model priced at $499, higher end at $599. Available Jan. 22.

iTunes continues to hold 70% market share in music sales. iTunes Essentials is re-tooled.

4.5M iPods sold over the holiday quarter.

iPod + cars: Working with BMW and others to offer iPod adapters for cars: Nissan, Mercedes, Scion, and Volvo; Alpha Romeo and Ferrari in Europe.

iPod + cell phones: Motorola's iTunes integration with new cell phones.

"One more thing..." Flash-based iPod Shuffle, thinner than a pack of gum and lighter than four quarters. USB 2 connector at the bottom, rechargeable battery. 512MB at $99 or 1GB at $149. Shipping today! Four accesories made by Apple: arm band, battery extender, sports case, and dock.

posted by Jambo Consulting at 1:09 PM


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