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Friday, June 17, 2005

Tech: Linux on iPod

Macworld has an article about putting Linux on a 3rd Generation iPod. The download can be found here from iPod-Linux-Installer.

We installed this on a 3rd Generation iPod with no problems. It's pretty interesting to play with, but probably not really useful for most people since, music playback is not very well supported. It does offer a better sound recording feature though. The only hiccup we ran into was the contrast on our iPod was too low when the iPod booted into Linux. In case you run into the same problem here's a menu map to get to the contrast setting:

  • Music
  • Extras
  • Settings >
    • About
    • Date & Time
    • Repeat
    • Shuffle
    • Contrast

posted by Jambo Consulting at 5:16 PM


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