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Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Tech: ClamXav

Up until now, there still have been absolutely 0 reports of any virus attacks on Mac OS X. That's pretty good, but this doesn't mean that OS X is immune to such attacks. If you don't feel like spending money on Norton for Mac, MacAfee Virex, or MacScan you can try out ClamXav.

ClamXav is a free GUI frontend to the opensource antivirus project Clam AV. Installation is very easy, just download the ClamXav + Backend package from The package should mount on your desktop automatically; just drag the program into you Applications folder and run the program. This package will automatically install Clam AV, which is the actual engine that powers the virus scanning.

Even though there are not virii on the Mac yet, we should be proactive in protecting our systems and prventing the spread of virii to other systems.

Update: I've found a report of a suspected Mac virus posted on MacRumors.

posted by Jambo Consulting at 4:07 PM


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