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Tuesday, March 07, 2006

News: Mac OS X Hacked in 30 Minutes...

As the headline says, ZDNet Australia reported that Mac OS X was hacked in less than 30 minutes. Now at first I thought this was quite shocking, I even started doubting my own knowledge about computer security. Maybe this guy was really THAT good in hacking.

Then I read that
[p]articipants were given local client access to the target computer and invited to try their luck.
This line was "added" after the article was published originally, as pointed out by Dave Schroeder at University of Wisconsin. Now I find that to be quite deceptive, and very irresponsible reporting. It makes a HUGE difference in security when somebody already has access to a system.

March 6, 2006:

March 7, 2006:

Quite shady if you ask me... wonder who commissioned the article. We'll see what happens with the University of Wisconson's challenge.

Google cached page of original 3/6/06 ZDNet Article

Dodgy OS X hack prompts genuine challenge
U of Wisconsin's Mac OS X Security Challenge

Article Link posted by Jambo Consulting at 1:00 PM


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