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Tuesday, August 08, 2006

News: OpenDarwin & Mac OS Forge

Recently OpenDarwin has been shutdown. It was not able to garner enough community support to create a healthy ecosystem for the Darwin OS:

OpenDarwin was originally created with the goal of providing a development environment for building and developing Mac OS X sources as well as developing a standalone Darwin OS derivative. OpenDarwin was meant to be a development community and a proving ground for fixes and features for Mac OS X and Darwin, which could be picked up by Apple for inclusion in the canonical sources. OpenDarwin has failed to achieve its goals in 4 years of operation, and moves further from achieving these goals as time goes on. For this reason, OpenDarwin will be shutting down.

However, in it's place Mac OS Forge has been create. The new initiative will host the various open source components in Mac OS.

Article Link posted by Jambo Consulting at 12:02 AM


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