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Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Opinion: Who's the copycat? Apple or Microsoft?

There's been a lot of buzz ( as usual ) around Steve Job's last keynote address at WWDC 2006. Apple fans are no doubt excited about the completion of the Intel transition and the new Mac Pro and XServe introduced. New Mac OS X Leopard features have also drawn a lot of attention as well as criticism. Paul Thurrot has layed out the major concerns of these 'new' features:

It's funny. Apple calls Microsoft a copy-cat, and yet, I feel like I've seen some of these features somewhere before. Many of the features, however, are just sad. Is this really the best they had to show off right now?

I'd have to agree with Paul on his list of concerns. I don't think any of the features mentioned in the keynote are original ideas. Spaces is nothing new in computing, and I've definitly seen the annoying Mail 'stationary' in Outlook before. Time Machine and the new iChat features were the most impressive, but again after looking around you find that these features are nothing new.

What is new here is Apple's ability to 're-brand' these technologies into something appealing and easy to use for the average consumer. Apple is just as guilty of copying features as Mirosoft is, except Apple does it in style.

Article Link posted by Jambo Consulting at 12:57 PM


Blogger eugene said...

Apple always had a knack for great marketing these days... Remember the iPod shuffle? :)

8/10/2006 12:02:00 AM  

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