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Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Post-WWDC keynote thoughts

If you have come across this blog, I hope you have viewed Steve Jobs' WWDC keynote. (Don't miss out the presentation by the VP of Software Engineering.)

Apple has now completed its Intel transition by announcing the Intel-based Mac Pro and Xserve systems. It's a big step -- now Apple is truly a competitor to the likes of Dell and HP. The success of Apple's IT invasion hinges on its marketing. Will it spend as much money as it does in luring PC users to the Mac? Will CIOs and IT directors see Apple Xserve ads in publications like Computerworld and InformationWeek, WSJ and NYT?

The next generation of OS X, codenamed Leopard, continues to be an evolution of Tiger. New features like Time Machine and Core Animation are very cool, but the focus is on making existing apps even better: Mail, iCal, iChat, etc. get enhancements.

Personally, I'm eager to find out what the TOP SECRET features will be. If Time Machine wowed the crowd, imagine how impressive a top secret feature will be...?

posted by Jambo Consulting at 1:03 AM


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