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Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Opinions: New Color iPod Nano

So we have new iPod Nanos in aluminum and in color now. It's great that Apple's solved the scratching issue, and the aluminum casing makes the Nano seem much less fragile. However, why do we have to use these UGLY ass colors? The blue is this pasty blue, green is an annoying lime green, and the pink reminds me of Beptol Bismo...

Why can't we have a deep rich blue like a Dodge Viper, or a beautiful Ferrari Red? It's nice to have different colored iPods, but I think Apple can do much better in the color selection.

posted by Jambo Consulting at 11:05 PM


Blogger みっちゃん said...

I want the white one back...

9/14/2006 07:21:00 AM  

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