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Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Getting PDF plugin to work in Camino

Apple Safari has PDF rendering built-in. But for users of Firefox and Camino, a PDF plugin needs to be installed. However, this plugin only works in PowerPC Macs. If you have a new Intel-based Mac, you are out of luck.

OK, not really. I have a "simple" workaround to get the PDF plugin to work in Camino, my default browser:

1. Force Camino to run in Rosetta by right-clicking the Camino app and select Get Info.
2. Check the Open using Rosetta in the General information section. This forces Camino to run in the PowerPC emulation.
3. Relaunch Camino. Now the PDF plugin should work.

Obviously, this workaround sacrifices the touted speed of Camino, a Universal Binary application which can run natively in the latest Intel-based Macs.

So it's your choice: fast rendering or PDF plugin.

posted by Jambo Consulting at 3:42 AM


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