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Sunday, October 14, 2007

My iPhone, my digital hub

Can you believe we haven't mentioned the iPhone since it went on sale in June? iPhone mania was everywhere, starting with folks spending the night in front of Apple Stores, and now with the controversy about iPhone hacking (to run 3rd party software).

Both Edward and I were present at the keynote where Steve Jobs unveiled the iPhone in front of the world, and believe me, it was probably one of the most exciting Apple moments in my lifetime. Since then, like many others, I started counting down the days of the iPhone sale date.

But no, I wasn't an early adopter of the iPhone. In my opinion it was priced too high. My phone was the Nokia E61, a Symbian smartphone that had all the bells and whistles to keep my life in order. It had a full QWERTY thumb keyboard so I can type those important emails and IMs. It was a very business-y phone.

Yet that $599 shiny thinness was like no other phone in the market. Then it became $399 and I was sold. The fact that I was already a AT&T Wireless customer made the decision a bit easier. The next day after the price drop was announced, I stopped by a local Apple Store and handed over my credit card with a mental note to sell my iPod Video 30GB and Nokia E61 on eBay ASAP.

Despite its deficiencies (yes, there are several), there is no doubt that Apple had hit another home run with the iPhone. It is beautifully designed, and with a OS X soul, the user experience is unlike anything. Think back to when you FIRST encountered/used an Apple product... Remember that feeling? (The Newton PDA for me.)

So now instead of keeping three devices (phone, iPod, digital camera), I just have an iPhone. Sometimes it even replaces my laptop as the Web browsing machine, thanks to MobileSafari (none of that crappy WAP). With the latest firmware update, even iTunes is available on the iPhone to spend more money on the go.

Steve Jobs wanted the Mac to be my digital hub. I'm sure he doesn't mind the iPhone being my digital hub.

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posted by eugene at 11:04 PM


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