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Saturday, January 12, 2008

MWSF 2008

Well, Macworld San Francisco 2008 is upon us, and we have dispatched Edward to the west coast for coverage of the news and events. Rumors are already flying through the blogosphere of new products such as a new sub-notebook, iTunes movie rental, new iPhone, and other application updates. Here's my prediction:

* iPhone SDK to be released ahead of schedule. How to top off last year's awesome iPhone keynote? Tell the public that their iPhones can now run custom applications (officially)!

* New portable device, possibly incorporating iPhone's touch-sensitive interface. Sub-notebook? Tablet? Existing laptops with new configurations?

* AppleTV enhanced with more DVR-like features. This product better get updated before people forget about it!

Counting down to Tuesday!

posted by eugene at 10:36 PM


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