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Saturday, January 31, 2009

Palm Pre - The best smartphone yet. Period. – AtomicSub Technology

I'm don't think Apple is that worried about Palm Pre. After 2 years a company has finally released a product that catches up to the iPhone. I'm sure in those 2 years Apple's a;ready put in more work on their next products.

Also Tim Cook's quote in this article was slightly taken out of context.

Palm has also managed to stir up feelings in the Apple camp with Apple CEO Tim Cook telling journalists “We will not stand for people ripping off our IP,” referring to Palm ripping their beloved iPhone’s UI and much more.

If you listened to the earnings call or read the transcript, it paints a different picture.
Tim Cook

And so, as I've said before, we're very, very confident with where we are competitively. We are watching the landscape. We like competition. As long as they don't rip off our IP and if they do we're going to go after anybody that does.

Mike Abramsky - RBC Capital Markets

Because, it seems until Palm came out, many of the other players had in fact negotiated carefully around your multi-touch IP; whereas, the Palm device particularly seems to almost directly emulate the kind of touch interfaces that you had innovated and that Steve, when he launched the phone, talked about patented. Is that to what you're referring with regarding to ripping off IP?

Tim Cook

I don't want to talk about any specific company. I'm just making a general statement that we think competition is good. It makes us all better. And we are ready to suit up and go against anyone. However, we will not stand for having our IP ripped off, and we'll use whatever weapons that we have at our disposal. I don't know that I can be clearer than that.

Apple Inc. F1Q09 Transcript from
Palm Pre - The best smartphone yet. Period. – AtomicSub Technology

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Article Link posted by Edward at 8:37 PM


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