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Wednesday, March 29, 2006

News: Apple Joins BAPCo

From GearLog, Apple has joined BAPCo, the company responsible for many industry standard benchmarking tools.

Article Link posted by Jambo Consulting at 7:35 PM
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Saturday, March 25, 2006

Tech: Making OS X Faster

Here's an article mentioned on Slashdot that talks about some things that Apple did under the hood to make Mac OS X faster.

Article Link posted by Jambo Consulting at 3:48 PM
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Sunday, March 19, 2006

Tech: FREE Software

You like free stuff? I like free stuff :) Here are some of the best open source and FREE software for Macs and Windows:

posted by Jambo Consulting at 8:27 PM
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Thursday, March 16, 2006

News: Windows XP on Intel Macs confirmed

There are reports that Windows XP has been booted on Intel based Macs. The person that posted the first working solution has won close to $14,000 in bounty money for finding the solution. Since all the sites with information on this news have been Slashdotted, I can not review or confirm the news. I'll post an update on this as soon as possible.

Article Link posted by Jambo Consulting at 10:02 AM
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Tuesday, March 14, 2006

News: More Security Patches for Mac OS X

Apple released another round of security updates for Mac OS X today. See for more information.

posted by Jambo Consulting at 10:40 PM
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Friday, March 10, 2006

News: [RESULTS] Mac OS X Hacked in 30 Minutes...

Well, looks like the claim that Mac OS X can be hacked in 30 minutes has been debunked...
In summary,

There were no successful access attempts during the 38 hour duration of the test period.

Article Link posted by Jambo Consulting at 12:55 AM
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Tech: Camino, Firefox for OS X

Camino is a native Mac OS X browser that uses Mozilla's Gecko rendering engine. The latest 1.0 release is a quite nice. The most notable difference is the speed, it's even faster than Apple's Safari. I do miss Safari's 'Snapback' feature though, some times it's just a little annoying to type in the same search again ( especially if you have a slower Mac ). Another thing I noticed was that Camino's menubar support favicons. This is a nice touch, but I wish you could disable some or all of the favicons to save space. In addition to being able to block popup windows, Camino can also block ads such as Google AdSense in pages.

I did run into one issue where Camino would have trouble connecting to VNC server shares. I also had issues when trying to use Camino with eGroupware, the page would timeout during login. Other than these quirks, I would highly recommend trying Camino out.

Article Link posted by Jambo Consulting at 12:17 AM
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Thursday, March 09, 2006

News: No EFI support in Windows Vista

According to Microsoft Windows Vista will not support EFI ( Extensible Firmware Interface )booting. Some Mac enthusiasts had been hoping to dual boot Windows Vista and Mac OS X on their new Intel based Macs.

This may be a bad move for Microsoft, as current BIOS technology in PCs is very dated. There are financial reasons why Microsoft changed their plans to support EFI in Vista; mainly because there are not enough EFI supporting hardware on the market.

That's not a very good reason in my opinion. Microsoft pretty much owns the PC market, and without EFI support in Windows few hardware manufacturers would risk the addition of EFI support in their products. Instead of waiting on the market, Microsoft should 'lead' the market with new technology. They do have the financial strength to do so.

Article Link posted by Jambo Consulting at 11:51 PM
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Tuesday, March 07, 2006

News: Mac OS X Hacked in 30 Minutes...

As the headline says, ZDNet Australia reported that Mac OS X was hacked in less than 30 minutes. Now at first I thought this was quite shocking, I even started doubting my own knowledge about computer security. Maybe this guy was really THAT good in hacking.

Then I read that
[p]articipants were given local client access to the target computer and invited to try their luck.
This line was "added" after the article was published originally, as pointed out by Dave Schroeder at University of Wisconsin. Now I find that to be quite deceptive, and very irresponsible reporting. It makes a HUGE difference in security when somebody already has access to a system.

March 6, 2006:

March 7, 2006:

Quite shady if you ask me... wonder who commissioned the article. We'll see what happens with the University of Wisconson's challenge.

Google cached page of original 3/6/06 ZDNet Article

Dodgy OS X hack prompts genuine challenge
U of Wisconsin's Mac OS X Security Challenge

Article Link posted by Jambo Consulting at 1:00 PM
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Wednesday, March 01, 2006

News: New Apple Updates

Apple released a new Security Update for Mac OS 10.3.9 and 10.4.5. New updates are also available for iTunes, iPhoto, etc. See Apple's Download page for more information. Or just check out Software Update.

Article Link posted by Jambo Consulting at 9:49 PM
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