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Friday, December 21, 2007

Leopard Complaints: iCal

iCal has an annoying bug with switching back to "Today". After viewing a future or past date, iCal isn't able to display the current day anymore when clicking the "Today" button. The mini calendar shows the current date, but the main window goes haywire.

This might not be an issue anymore, as I haven't noticed it lately.

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posted by Edward at 11:48 PM
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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Leopard complaints

It seems that a lot of people are complaining about Leopard. Personally I've had pretty good luck with it. I wonder if some of these issues are actually hardware related or a configuration problem rather than a Leopard issue.

My advice as always, backup backup backup. And double check that your backup works.

Update: I take it back, I do have complaints about Leopard. The Leopard Firewall is a pain. It's nice to hide advanced details from the average user, but advanced users should be allowed to see exactly what's going on. TidBits got it right, Leopard's Firewall Blackbox is a PITA.

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Article Link posted by Edward at 3:46 PM
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