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Saturday, November 10, 2007

Tech: Combining Multipart DMG files

If you have a series of multipart .dmg files you want to combine, all you need is OS X's built in Disk Utility; in fact there is no need to 'combine' the image files at all. Just make sure all your .dmg and .dmgpart files are in the same folder, then you can perform your standard 'burn' or 'restore' functions on the .dmg file. The .dmgpart segments will be automatically incorporated.

Alternatively you can use C-Command's DropDMG to combine or burn your images.

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posted by Edward at 12:23 PM
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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Tech: Leopard Time Machine Quirks

Gizmodo has a quick write-up / fix for a quirk in Time Machine. It looks like Time Machine has some issues with PC formatted disks. Basically make sure you reformat your PC disk with the new GUID partition scheme, otherwise Time Machine will choke...

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Article Link posted by Edward at 10:57 AM
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