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Wednesday, August 08, 2007

New Airport Extreme Lost in the news...

Yesterday Apple launched a series of new products. The new Airport Extreme was lost among all the Live Blogging and excitement.

The new Airport Extreme base station now offers Gigabit Ethernet, which fixes one of the biggest complaints about it since it's introduction. AEB is an excellent SOHO server. With an extra powered USB hub it can serve as your File and Printer sharing server as well as your internet router. The first revision only offered 100 MBit ethernet, which for many people became a bottleneck for file sharing since all the latest Macs and most PCs now offer Gigabit ethernet.

Apple seems to be making great strides to capture the 'mass market' now, rather than targeting the elite.

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Article Link posted by Jambo Consulting at 1:50 PM
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