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Saturday, November 22, 2008

Review: Lockdown, anti-theft system for Mac

You'd just spent your hard-earned money to buy a brand new, shiny Mac notebook. You bought a nice case to protect it. You did your best to be secure minded about using it.

Because you know there are thieves out there who will steal your baby the minute you're not paying attention. Be it at the airport, at a cafe, or in the school library. It's easy being a notebook thief these days when the machines are becoming smaller and lighter.

That's when you need to consider Lockdown, a free Mac anti-theft software. Lockdown allows you to secure your notebook by taking advantage of the motion sensors, built-in iSight camera, and Apple Remote. Once your notebook is "armed," you'll hear a chirp (much like car alarms), and you can even arm it by using the Apple Remote. Lockdown settings include detecting motion, detecting keyboard/trackpad/mouse activity, detecting external devices, detecting lid closing, and detecting the MagSafe power adapter. Also, you can set it to take a snapshot of the perp and email it to your inbox! Lockdown plays a very loud alarm (configurable) when triggered in hopes to deter the thief from taking the system. How cool is that?

This is a must-have utility for Mac notebook owners, especially when it's at no cost (donations accepted). The only gripe I have, and this is no fault of the software maker, is that my MacBook Air's speaker quality sucks, so the Lockdown alarm didn't sound as loud as I'd liked. But at any rate, it's still a wonderful tool and allows me to feel better when leaving my notebook at a table in a cafe while I take a quick restroom break...

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posted by Eugene at 11:41 PM
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Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Mac Wireless Keyboard / Mouse FAQ

This article is very helpful if you have the Apple Wireless Keyboards / Mice, and need to access some of the boot time shortcuts.

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Article Link posted by Edward at 10:11 PM
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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Apple still shows Tiger users some love

So Leopard roared since the past few weeks, but that doesn't mean Apple's forgotten Tiger. If you haven't upgraded to Leopard and still run on Tiger, fire up Software Update and find 10.4.11 ready to be served. Aside from several security fixes, this update also includes goodies such as Safari 3.

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posted by eugene at 12:31 AM
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Sunday, October 28, 2007

Lining up for Leopard

Edward and I stood in line at the Lenox Square Apple Store on Friday for the premier of Leopard. I'd say by 6pm EDT there was approximately 300-400 people in line. It's always interesting to see how Apple fans would queue up for such an event -- nobody lined up to grab a copy of Vista! Store employees were nice enough to hand out bottled water to folks and inform everyone how to proceed into the store.

Here are some photos taken with my iPhone.

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posted by eugene at 11:23 PM
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Monday, October 22, 2007

Another stellar quarter for Apple

We are fans of Apple products here at the company, in case you haven't noticed. We work with Windows and Unix platforms, too, but Macs have a special place in our work (and life). We didn't jump on the bandwagon, however, as it took years of working in IT to appreciate the simplicity of Macs. Plug-and-play, not plug-and-pray. It just works.

So it comes as no surprise that Apple announced another profitable quarter -- $904 million richer. Macs, iPods, and iPhones all sold very well, and Apple continues to increase its PC market share.

What's the secret? Create great products, and people will buy 'em.

As more people become Mac users, Jambo Consulting is well positioned to help along the way. Each year we've seen more and more small businesses take the leap into using Macs, and no one has regretted making that decision.

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posted by eugene at 9:29 PM
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Monday, September 24, 2007

Better PCs than PCs?

Steven Frank, 'Macs Really Do Run Windows Better'. This is so true. It's often a very frustrating process to reinstall Windows on a PC from one of the major PC manufacturers. Sony's driver download process is quite frustrating. Dell's process is not much better. It seems that the whole process was designed to simplify the process for the company and not the customer. Dell's Resource CD is nice that it has drivers for a whole series of systems, and much of the installation process is automated. However, you still have to find each particular driver for your system and run the installer. Not bad for geeks, but pretty confusing for most other people.

Why can't these huge PC manufacturers develop an elegant driver install system like Apple?

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Article Link posted by Edward at 5:23 PM
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