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Tuesday, August 07, 2007

New iMacs and more...

Engadget has some great coverage of today's Apple Event where Steve Jobs announced new iMacs, iLife '08, and iWork '08. Some notable additions include the long rumored Number's spreadsheet application and an increase of storage space for .Mac users up to 10 GB. MacWorld also has great coverage of the event ( with less pretty pictures ).

It looks like Apple is rounding out it's competitor to Microsoft Office. I think for a large number of business users, iWork will provide more than enough features for them, as well as ease a lot of frustration with Microsoft Office. Being able to quickly create a document and make it look nice, or enter some numbers and easily create a good looking report will be very appealing to many users. Though many of the very advanced users will still stick to Excel for it's extensive list of features and functions. At $79 for a basic office suite vs. several hundred dollars for Microsoft Office, I think iWork '08 will be a big hit.

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Article Link posted by Edward at 1:39 PM
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