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Saturday, January 31, 2009

Palm Pre - The best smartphone yet. Period. – AtomicSub Technology

I'm don't think Apple is that worried about Palm Pre. After 2 years a company has finally released a product that catches up to the iPhone. I'm sure in those 2 years Apple's a;ready put in more work on their next products.

Also Tim Cook's quote in this article was slightly taken out of context.

Palm has also managed to stir up feelings in the Apple camp with Apple CEO Tim Cook telling journalists “We will not stand for people ripping off our IP,” referring to Palm ripping their beloved iPhone’s UI and much more.

If you listened to the earnings call or read the transcript, it paints a different picture.
Tim Cook

And so, as I've said before, we're very, very confident with where we are competitively. We are watching the landscape. We like competition. As long as they don't rip off our IP and if they do we're going to go after anybody that does.

Mike Abramsky - RBC Capital Markets

Because, it seems until Palm came out, many of the other players had in fact negotiated carefully around your multi-touch IP; whereas, the Palm device particularly seems to almost directly emulate the kind of touch interfaces that you had innovated and that Steve, when he launched the phone, talked about patented. Is that to what you're referring with regarding to ripping off IP?

Tim Cook

I don't want to talk about any specific company. I'm just making a general statement that we think competition is good. It makes us all better. And we are ready to suit up and go against anyone. However, we will not stand for having our IP ripped off, and we'll use whatever weapons that we have at our disposal. I don't know that I can be clearer than that.

Apple Inc. F1Q09 Transcript from
Palm Pre - The best smartphone yet. Period. – AtomicSub Technology

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Article Link posted by Edward at 8:37 PM
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Saturday, January 03, 2009

iPhone 3G (PRODUCT) RED Special Edition

How about this for a MacWorld 09 rumor:

The article is pretty confusing, I can't tell if the author means this is a fake or for real. First he says it's for sale for NT$3600 using Taiwan's 'economic stimulus shopping coupon'. Then he goes on to say "it's a bad economy, can't afford official one, just be frugal with the NT$3600, anyways it's 99.9% like real, and it's red."

The iPhone Air looks obviously like a Chinese knockoff. Though it does have an aluminum chassis and all, the guts looks like some generic phone.


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Article Link posted by Edward at 8:22 PM
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Sunday, November 30, 2008

IPhone Apps: Joost Video Streaming iPhone App Makes Us Dream of Hulu

Cool Beans! I hope Sling Player soon comes to the iPhone.

IPhone Apps: Joost Video Streaming iPhone App Makes Us Dream of Hulu

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Article Link posted by Edward at 2:55 AM
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Friday, November 21, 2008

iPhone 2.2 Update Available Now

As rumored, iPhone 2.2 is out now.

Iphone 2.2: iPhone 2.2 Update Available Now


Article Link posted by Edward at 1:28 AM
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Monday, November 17, 2008

iPhone hits Taiwan for holidays

Oh wow! Cool, iPhone for Taiwan.

iPhone hits Taiwan for holidays | 9 to 5 Mac

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Article Link posted by Edward at 12:53 PM
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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Citrix coming to iPhone

from 9 to 5 Mac

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Article Link posted by Edward at 4:20 PM
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Thursday, November 06, 2008

Ballmer on Android

I'm always amazed at how Steve Ballmer was able to be so rich. He seems to be always out of touch with what's going on in the Tech industry. Take Zune and iPhone for example:

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Article Link posted by Edward at 1:28 PM
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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

ATT Hotspot Access for iPhone

Looks like ATT decided to open up it's Hotspot access to iPhone users, again...

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Article Link posted by Edward at 3:43 PM
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Thursday, August 07, 2008

Transition to MacBook Air

The MacBook Air is quite a beautiful work of Apple engineering. You really cannot appreciate its Air moniker until you hold one in your hand. Yes, only one hand is enough to easily carry and move this ultrathin laptop.

But as many reviews have indicated, the thinness comes at a price: No optical drive (external device available), and only one USB port, one audio-out, and a micro-DVI port. Even the MagSafe power adapter is modified to connect at a 90-degree angle. That's right, no Ethernet (adapter available) and no FireWire.

The lack of optical drive spurn another Apple innovation: Remote Disc. It allows the Air to share the optical drive of another Windows or Mac. Sounds pretty cool, but it's kind of a pain in the rear. Fair enough, I don't really use the DVD drive in normal use, but now that I'm trying to migrate from an old MacBook to the Air and the procedure is to insert the Installation Disc then run Disk Utility, it got kind of annoying. Remote Disc has to work over Wi-Fi -- not the most effective method for installing or restoring gigabytes of data.

I ended up using my iPhone to help with the transition. I made sure iTunes works as usual, hooked it up to the Air, then hit sync. This was by far the most painless method...

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posted by Eugene at 8:23 PM
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Wednesday, June 04, 2008

OMG, Somebody Buy Krakow a Clue

via, Goodness. It doesn't sound like Gary Krakow has a clue about technology.

First of all, people are already using the supposedly non-enterprise-ready iPhone 1.0 in the enterprise. And what exactly is the killer enterprise app for Blackberry? It's push e-mail on the phone. The reason that is so successful is because traditional cell phones have crappy data connections and can not access IMAP / POP mail boxes like a desktop application. The iPhone has IMAP support and a great e-mail application. Along with Wi-Fi and hopefully 3G soon, it functions just as well or perhaps better than Blackberry phones. Lastly, Apple has already licensed ActiveSync from Microsoft and announced it's availability in the next iPhone firmware update. iPhone users will have full access to MS Exchange servers using the standard iPhone applications.

So, it's utterly pointless to "bite the bullet".

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Article Link posted by Edward at 11:43 PM
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SoftBank To Release iPhone in Japan

via Gizmodo, SoftBank announced on June 4th it's intent to release iPhone in Japan. Details of the release date or pricing have not been announced yet.

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Article Link posted by Edward at 3:47 PM
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VLC Player on iPhone

Wow, it's amazing what people are porting to the iPhone.

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Article Link posted by Edward at 2:25 PM
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Tuesday, June 03, 2008

iPhone: Great user experience, but that's all

via DaringFireball, An enterprise CIO says of the iPhone: "It has a great user experience, but that's all."


Article Link posted by Edward at 11:22 AM
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Friday, May 30, 2008

10 Million iPhones?

via, There have been analysts and reports that are questioning if Apple can really sell 10 Million units of iPhones this year. I have no doubt they can. They may even beat that number. Jason Snell at MacWorld also thinks so.

Also, just look at some of the amazing things people are already doing with the iPhone development kit: Multi-iPhone Pong, PC Engine / Turbo Grafx Emulator

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Article Link posted by Edward at 9:45 AM
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Friday, May 16, 2008

iPhone gaining even more steam

via Gizmodo, Orange, the iPhone is coming to even more countries. Orange will offer the iPhone in Austria, Belgium, the Dominican Republic, Egypt, Jordan, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Switzerland and Africa. It looks like the iPhone sales should be able to accelerate in the second half of 2008.

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Article Link posted by Edward at 7:55 AM
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Monday, May 12, 2008

More iPhone Carriers

via DarinFireball, more carriers to offer iPhones in Singapore, India, the Philippines and Australia.


Article Link posted by Edward at 1:01 PM
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Wednesday, May 07, 2008

More iPhone Deals

MEXICO CITY, May 7 (Reuters) - America Movil AMXL.MX said on Wednesday it would sell Apple Inc's (AAPL) iPhone across Latin America this year, a deal that could extend its lead in the region over Telefonica TEF.MC.

Mmm, why is AAPL falling?

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Article Link posted by Edward at 1:56 PM
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Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Vodafone to sell iPhone

Vodafone announced that it will sell the iPhone in Australia as well as "in the Czech Republic, Egypt, Greece, Italy, India, Portugal, New Zealand, South Africa and Turkey." via

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Article Link posted by Edward at 3:28 AM
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Monday, February 25, 2008

16 GB iPhone

I'm not sure when exactly this was released, but it looks like there's a new 16 GB iPhone available now.

Update: According to Wikipedia, this was released Feb. 5th 2008 along with a 32GB iPod Touch.


Article Link posted by Edward at 2:15 PM
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Saturday, February 09, 2008

iPhone's business play

The biggest complaint about the iPhone since its sale has been that it is not business friendly compared to competing products such as the BlackBerry and Windows Mobile phones. Mainly "business friendly" means "integration with Microsoft Exchange" as that it the predominant enterprise email server. These business power users often cite push email as the killer app on their smartphones.

My thinking is that Apple certainly realizes this and would be foolish not to go after the business users. That's why it has also allied itself with Yahoo, a notable Google competitor. There are a few iPhone widgets which use Yahoo's webservices instead of Google's, so there's no doubt there's a close relationship between Apple and Yahoo.

And iPhone does have push email. It's Yahoo Mail. But which company ever uses Yahoo Mail? That's true, but don't forget that Zimbra was recently purchased by Yahoo, and Zimbra's groupware suite offers a viable alternative to Exchange.

Could this help propel the iPhone into the enterprise space?

But as you know, last week Microsoft offered to buy Yahoo (just today Yahoo's board rejected the offer). Now that's a powerful play by the Redmond Giant, one that could transform the tech landscape. But that also threw a monkey wrench into relationship between Yahoo and its partners such as Apple. What will Apple do if Yahoo is gobbled up by its nemesis? The plan to bring the iPhone to business users may be stalled.

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posted by Eugene at 4:12 PM
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Friday, January 18, 2008

MWSF Notes

So my Macworld 08 trip is officially over now. I stood in line since 3:00 am, waited for 6 hours, and finally was shuffled into the reality distortion field of Steve Jobs' keynote. I didn't bother doing any live blogging, as most people out there were probably following the keynote coverage from Engadget, Gizmodo, or any other number of blogs.

And by now, you know the Jobs announced a new Time Capsule, AppleTV, updates to iPhone, and the new MacBook Air. A good amount of people were expecting even more, and were kind of disappointed about the announcements. Considering the growing popularity of Apple, and huge amount of hype and media coverage, I would say Steve jobs has done an excellent job with the keynote.

I think Time Capsule, although not very glamorous, is a great device. Combined with Time Machine, this little device basically fulfills most if not all the needs of a small business and definitely the average user. It covers networking, file and printer sharing, and backups. I believe this is basically the Mini-XServe. Perhaps the only thing missing is VPN access, however the Back2MyMac service provided by a .Mac account does address this somewhat.

As expected, and possible purposely leaked, iTunes movie rentals was released. Apple TV was also upgraded to offer more of what users want to do on their monster HDTVs. These things were expected and needed. The surprise was that Jobs was able to sign up ALL the major studios. Finally, the big studios are 'getting it'. There's no point in fighting advances in technology, instead of spending millions and millions of dollars fighting the inevitable and suing THEIR customers they should have been embracing the new technologies.

iPhone got it's slew of updates. Most significant I think was geo location without GPS. The technology has been around for a while, so it wasn't too exciting of an announcement. Plus, Google announced the technology for Google Maps Mobile late last year already. Other continued software updates to iPhone, while not very exciting, is confirms Apple's commitment to continue improving the iPhone over the years. It is actually quite encouraging for new users to know that their $399 is well spent, and their phone won't be worthless right away.

And then there's the MacBook Air. This is pretty much everything I wanted. Super light weight laptop, with good performance and a long battery life. It is pricey, but not that out of line with other ultra portables. Nowadays most people just need to be online and run a few office applications. I think it will be a big seller, and I'm sure the technology will soon migrate to the rest of the MacBook line.

Overall, it was a good start for Apple this year.

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posted by Edward at 4:23 PM
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Tuesday, December 04, 2007

iPhone browser market share higher than WindowsCE

Wow, pretty amazing that iPhone / iPod web browser market share is at 0.9% already. The statistics was published by Net Applications.

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Article Link posted by Edward at 4:54 PM
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Thursday, November 01, 2007

News: iPhone going to Germany Nov. 9th

See the Google translated German Apple Store page...

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Article Link posted by Edward at 9:17 AM
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Monday, October 22, 2007

Another stellar quarter for Apple

We are fans of Apple products here at the company, in case you haven't noticed. We work with Windows and Unix platforms, too, but Macs have a special place in our work (and life). We didn't jump on the bandwagon, however, as it took years of working in IT to appreciate the simplicity of Macs. Plug-and-play, not plug-and-pray. It just works.

So it comes as no surprise that Apple announced another profitable quarter -- $904 million richer. Macs, iPods, and iPhones all sold very well, and Apple continues to increase its PC market share.

What's the secret? Create great products, and people will buy 'em.

As more people become Mac users, Jambo Consulting is well positioned to help along the way. Each year we've seen more and more small businesses take the leap into using Macs, and no one has regretted making that decision.

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posted by eugene at 9:29 PM
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Sunday, October 14, 2007

My iPhone, my digital hub

Can you believe we haven't mentioned the iPhone since it went on sale in June? iPhone mania was everywhere, starting with folks spending the night in front of Apple Stores, and now with the controversy about iPhone hacking (to run 3rd party software).

Both Edward and I were present at the keynote where Steve Jobs unveiled the iPhone in front of the world, and believe me, it was probably one of the most exciting Apple moments in my lifetime. Since then, like many others, I started counting down the days of the iPhone sale date.

But no, I wasn't an early adopter of the iPhone. In my opinion it was priced too high. My phone was the Nokia E61, a Symbian smartphone that had all the bells and whistles to keep my life in order. It had a full QWERTY thumb keyboard so I can type those important emails and IMs. It was a very business-y phone.

Yet that $599 shiny thinness was like no other phone in the market. Then it became $399 and I was sold. The fact that I was already a AT&T Wireless customer made the decision a bit easier. The next day after the price drop was announced, I stopped by a local Apple Store and handed over my credit card with a mental note to sell my iPod Video 30GB and Nokia E61 on eBay ASAP.

Despite its deficiencies (yes, there are several), there is no doubt that Apple had hit another home run with the iPhone. It is beautifully designed, and with a OS X soul, the user experience is unlike anything. Think back to when you FIRST encountered/used an Apple product... Remember that feeling? (The Newton PDA for me.)

So now instead of keeping three devices (phone, iPod, digital camera), I just have an iPhone. Sometimes it even replaces my laptop as the Web browsing machine, thanks to MobileSafari (none of that crappy WAP). With the latest firmware update, even iTunes is available on the iPhone to spend more money on the go.

Steve Jobs wanted the Mac to be my digital hub. I'm sure he doesn't mind the iPhone being my digital hub.

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posted by eugene at 11:04 PM
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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Apple iPhone Non-sense

It seems like many critics are going out of their way to critisize Apple's iPhone. First, the iPhone's too expensive, then the price cut is too much too soon, and now selling 1 million iPhones in 74 days is too slow.

Blackfriars' is right, I think selling a million of anything in two months is pretty awesome. Another point I would add to their list is that the 1 million iPhones sold were only sold in the US. Woudn't the sales accelerate even more as Apple starts rolling out the iPhone to International markets? I think it would be pretty difficult for Apple to maintain "a consistent rate" of iPhone sales even if they tried.

I don't know guys, I think there are more people living outside of the US than inside... Maybe we should send these critics some maps from

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Article Link posted by Edward at 3:01 PM
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