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Friday, November 09, 2007

Article: iTunes + iPod Monopoly!?

via MacUser rips apart ZDNet blogger Adrian Kingsley-Hughes' ridiculous claim that "The iPod/iTunes link IS monopolistic."

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Article Link posted by Edward at 2:02 PM
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Monday, October 22, 2007

Another stellar quarter for Apple

We are fans of Apple products here at the company, in case you haven't noticed. We work with Windows and Unix platforms, too, but Macs have a special place in our work (and life). We didn't jump on the bandwagon, however, as it took years of working in IT to appreciate the simplicity of Macs. Plug-and-play, not plug-and-pray. It just works.

So it comes as no surprise that Apple announced another profitable quarter -- $904 million richer. Macs, iPods, and iPhones all sold very well, and Apple continues to increase its PC market share.

What's the secret? Create great products, and people will buy 'em.

As more people become Mac users, Jambo Consulting is well positioned to help along the way. Each year we've seen more and more small businesses take the leap into using Macs, and no one has regretted making that decision.

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posted by eugene at 9:29 PM
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